August 9, 2021

Construction Loan Options for Builders and Investors

You have a new residential construction project planned out, but now you need to obtain financing. If you started this process by visiting a conventional bank lender, you probably left their office feeling a bit disappointed. Banks have strict lending requirements that prevent many construction projects from obtaini ...
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August 9, 2021

How we can capture the market sales

Real estate investors purchase, manage, and sell or rent out a property for a return profit. This process might include renovating, repairing, and upgrading the property to sell. The financial and real estate industries often connect for many projects, which means you might need an investor on your side for futur ...
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August 9, 2021

How we can capture the market sales

There are many roles within the real estate industry that one can participate in, such as real estate agent, investor, and leasing consultant. If you’re an investor, you might be curious as to how private money lending has changed the real estate market. Let’s examine a few ways private lending has helped millio ...
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